The vibrant parish and community of Saint Ambrose provide our students with a rich tradition and environment to grow them personally, spiritually and academically. In addition to the traditional subjects, St. Ambrose offers a cutting edge STEM lab and robotics program. We also offer our Penthouse Program, which offers inclusion and gifted programs. Beyond traditional school subjects, we also prepare children to be examples of Christ in the global community by educating in a spirit of understanding, peace and tolerance.
Saint Ambrose Catholic School ~ At a Glance
281 Students in 18 Homerooms and 4 Middle School Houses
16 Students per room average
27 Full and part time teachers & 1 Full time aide
2 Full time learning consultants
School hours: 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Before care: 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
After care: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (run by the YMCA)
Tuition for one student K-8: $7,590 (tuition reduction for siblings)
Tuition for Preschool for one student: $7,535 (5 days)
Faith Formation
All School Mass each Friday, Perpetual Help Devotions, Reconciliation, May Crowning, Preparation for Sacraments, First Friday Adoration and the Rosary are just a few faith experiences our students have at Saint Ambrose. Visit Faith Education to learn more.
Learning Consultants
House System
Sensory Area
100% of graduates accepted into their first choice school
Differential instruction to enhance classroom learning
Italian Language Classes
Learn more at Education.
Extracurricular Activities
Music Lessons
Robotics Team
Altar Servers
Athletics (soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, t-ball, golf and track)
Bellarmine Speech
Safety Patrol
Girls on the Run
Student Council
Chess Club
Electives Classes
Visit Student Life for a list of extracurricular activities available.