It is our goal to provide a quality Catholic preschool education for all children who desire admission to Saint Ambrose School. All are welcome to attend Saint Ambrose regardless of religious affiliation. Enrolling your child in a Preschool Program is an exciting time for your family. These are the years when children explore, discover, and grow. Through play and investigation, children learn about themselves and the world around them. We provide an exceptional early beginning for your preschool child. Our preschool is full of engaging, fun ideas that will instill in your child a love of faith and learning. Creativity, music and movement, imagination, exploration and technology, as well as pre-reading and math readiness provides them with a strong start on their educational journey.
Saint Ambrose Preschool Handbook 2023/2024
St. Ambrose accepts potty/toilet-trained children ages 3-5 years old. Children are admitted by the following age guidelines, NO exceptions:
• 3 years old by August 1
• 4 years old by August 1
Potty/Toilet Training Policy
Children enrolled in St. Ambrose MUST be fully potty/toilet trained before attending. Children must wear underwear with very few accidents. A child having accidents daily would not be considered potty/toilet trained. Children may not wear pull-ups or diapers. We do understand that even potty/toilet trained children will occasionally have bathroom accidents. In these instances, the child must be able to change their clothes independently. Multiple accidents without a medical diagnosis and a note from the doctor may result in a parents' meeting. A potty/toilet trained child is one that can do the following:
- Communicate to the teachers that he/she needs to go to the bathroom
- Alert him/herself to stop what he/she is doing and go to the bathroom
- Pull down his/her clothes and get them back up without assistance
- Wipe him/herself without assistance after using the toilet
- Wash and dry hands
A Day in Pre-Kindergarten
More Information
For more information, contact the School Office at 314-772-1437 or schedule a time to Visit Us.