Saint Ambrose is dedicated to growing students inside and outside of the classroom. As a result, we provide many opportunities for students to participate in activities outside of class time.
Music Lessons (Grades 2-8)
Music lessons for band instruments and piano are offered by Palmer Music Education Services and meet on Tuesdays in the Lower Level of the Church. You may sign up at the beginning of each year through the School Office.
Robotics Team (Grades 7-8)
After school robotics is offered to students in grades 7 & 8. Find out more on our Robotic webpage.
Altar Servers (Grades 5-8)
Students in grades 5-8 assist the clergy in the Sacred Eucharist. The servers lead liturgical processions, assist with the missal and book of prayer, and help set the altar and attend to the Sacred Vessels after Communion.
Athletics (PreK-8)
Saint Ambrose Schools offer team sports in soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, t-ball, golf and track. For more information, visit our Athletics webpage.
Scouting for Girls & Boys (Grades K-8)
Scouting provides youth with an opportunity to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence, and reinforce ethical standards. These opportunities not only help them when they are young but also carry forward into their adult lives, improving their relationships, their work lives, their family lives, and the values by which they live.
Bellarmine Speech Club (Grades 5-8)
The Bellarmine Speech League strives to give students the techniques and skills (e. g. appropriate use of gestures and facial expressions) necessary when making a presentation. Students will learn to be more poised and self-confident during public speaking activities. Along with learning to adjust the volume and to enunciate, team members develop a sense of camaraderie that comes with belonging to a theatrical community. Students in grades 5-8 are able to participate in speech meets during the school year along with other students in the diocese, memorizing and performing short pieces of published writing.
Safety Patrol (Grades 7-8)
Students in grades 7 and 8 help with arrival and dismissal at school each day. They provide leadership, citizenship and a safe environment for children in and around school.
Girls on the Run (Grades 3-5)
Girls on the Run inspires girls of all abilities to recognize their individual strengths while building a sense of connection in a team setting. Coaches facilitate lessons blending physical activity with life skill development which enables the girls to adapt to whatever comes their way.
Student Council (Grades 7-8)
The purpose of Student Council is to promote leadership, to render service, to achieve a better understanding of the school’s mission and to foster a bond of communication between faculty and students. The goal of Student Council is to lead the students in service to the school, parish and community. The motto is – Leadership, Scholarship, Service.
Buddies (Grade 7-8)
Students in grades 7 and 8 partner with the younger students in grades Pre-K 4 and Kindergarten. They attend Mass weekly together and enjoy other activities together. Reading with their buddies is always a treat.
Chess Club (Grades 3-8)
Chess Club increases higher level thinking skills, advance math and reading skills and builds self confidence. Children can also enhance life skills through chess, such as learning from mistakes, considering consequences, thinking ahead, and building confidence. Compared with other sports or academic competitions, chess is a great equalizer. Chess players do not have an advantage based on their age, gender, physical size, race, religion, or socio-economic status. In fact, young children who practice can routinely beat older opponents.
Chess clubs can also contribute to a school’s sense of community as children can play and become friends with students from every grade and class in their school. Parents who volunteer get to know parents from other grades, and families with multiple children at the school can have them all participate in the same club.
Bocce (Grades K-8)
Students in grades Kindergarten through 8 can participate in Bocce at the Italian American Bocce Club on The Hill. The Don Marlo Youth Bocce league runs for 8 weeks beginning in January on Sundays at Noon and 1:00 p.m.
Electives are offered twice a week during lunch. Each quarter there is one music and one art elective offered.